Monday, April 21, 2014

Sekjen PPP Konsultasi Wed Jimly Asshiddiqie

Party General Secretary M Romahurmuziy Development Association Hall of Honor overlooks the Chief Election Coordinator ( DKPP ) Jimly Asshiddiqie associated anarchic in his party body . The meeting was conducted in consultation Towards the delivery of campaign fund reports and PPP coalition attitude .

" Consultation with Pak Jimly time , because this would campaign fund reporting , " said Romahurmuziy in office DKPP , Central Jakarta , Monday ( 21/04/2014 ) .

He says , consultation was done considering Jimly was the former manager of the PPP. He said Jimly want to get a clear picture about the political conflict in the sitting PPP body .

" He's a senior , would like to get information of what actually happened , " said Romy politicians greeted the familiar .

PPP will hold a National Consultative Work . Mukernas was more of a National Leadership Meeting set Emron PPP Vice Chairman of General Duties of Pangkapi as the Executive General Management.

PPP triggered chaotic action in the body Suryadharma Ali who came and supported the nomination as a presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto considered illegal mukernas PPP results . Mukernas decided to forge political communication with eight prospective presidential candidate available.
( Read: anis merah stres )

In the list of eight names , no name Prabowo . Had emerging discourse Suryadharma overthrow by a number of elite DPP and PPP DPW . However , Suryadharma remains with the results , even on Friday afternoon declare Gerindra Party in coalition with PPP DPP , attended directly by Prabowo .


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