Thursday, April 17, 2014

Google Give R1, 1 M for Modular Smartphone Project

CALIFORNIA - Google will deliver money of $ 100 thousand or approximately Rp1 , 1 billion to developers who are able to bring the best modular smartphone . This modular smartphone has been widely reported by the name of Project fig .

Reported by Ubergizmo , Thursday ( 04/17/2014 ) , Ara Project promoted by Google is already planned to be produced for consumers in January 2015 . To realize the plan , the developer is expected to show the best module to Google in exchange for rewards R1 , 1 billion .
see alsovitamin burung mabung )

Google later that the parties will assess the modules from the developers of smartphones . This assessment is based on functionality , elegance appearance , novelty , quality , impact and potential commercialization .

The search engine giant is trying to encourage developers to create exciting modules that can be used in handsets Ara Project . We also give a prize for the winner of the second ( runner - up ) , which will be invited to the next Ara Project developer conference .

Modular smartphone concept into a new innovation in the handset market . Users do not need to pay more to replace the phone , but only need to add a smartphone to upgrade to the required specifications .


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