Thursday, May 22, 2014

Alcohol Regulation in Surabaya Will Approved, Denied in East Java

When DPRD Surabaya will confirm Raperda Liquor Control ( Miras ) be PERDA , exactly the same and proposed Raperda Jawa East Java Governor Soekarwo rejected .

On refusal, DPD Chief 's Democratic Party of East Java East Java DPRD shall be stamped by the convenience of not memerdulikan .

" Governor Soekarwo clearly not concerned about the comfort of the people , but this PERDA very important to protect people from the dangers of Miras , " said the head of the East Java Legislative Assembly Legislative District , RB Zainal Arifin , Thursday ( 05/22/2014 ) .
( read: jual kenari blackthroat )

Golkar politicians also accuse , Bureau of Law Pemprov East Java does not provide information related to the importance raperda intact , until the governor considers this proposal raperda as things that are not urgent .

Meanwhile, the same Raperda floor DPRD Surabaya , Friday ( 23/05/2014 ) tomorrow will be confirmed in plenary meeting .

"Tomorrow will be confirmed , because the discussion with a number of parties including Surabaya City Government , and the operators are doing," said Chief Operating Raperda Special Committee Miras , DPRD Surabaya , Blegur Prijanggono , confirmed separately.

As previously reported, this time to complete the discussion of DPRD Surabaya middle raperda Miras . In later bylaws , Class A liquor containing alcohol under five percent , which has sold independently, will be limited circulation. Restrictions are also believed to facilitate the passage of supervision and circulation Miras .


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